Menthol Cigarettes

Love from the first inhalation.

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Common types of cigarettes

Nowadays, cigarettes bring joy and happiness into smoker’s life. There are more than millions devoted cigarettes fans worldwide. Although, this phenomenon (the cigarettes) has existed for many, many years, it got its popularity only in the 20th century. Thus, this… Continue Reading →

Discussion on menthol cigarettes

The well-known first Menthol Cigarette was created occasionally. It happened in 1920s, when a young man named Lloyd “Spud” Hughes had been receiving treatment for his cold symptoms with menthol. He kept the menthol crystals in the same tin with… Continue Reading →

What are Menthol cigarettes?

Menthol Cigarettes are loved and enjoy wide popularity everywhere. But, first, there is a necessity to understand what are Menthol cigarettes. Only then we will be able to explain the reasons of their enviable reputation. So, a menthol cigarette is… Continue Reading →

Newport Menthol Cigarettes

The brand of Newport Cigarettes was marketed in 1957. It is a brand of Menthol Cigarettes produced by Lorillard Tobacco Company of Greensboro, North Carolina, United States. Newport cigarettes occupy one of the leading  positions on the American market. As… Continue Reading →

Why is menthol used in cigarettes?

Many people, sometimes, guess why exactly menthol is used as additional substance for manufacturing cigarettes? The smokers, of course, admire, this kind of cigarettes but the question is nevertheless vital for them. Then as it is known, menthol is a… Continue Reading →

Kool cigarettes

Kool cigarettes brand is a brand of Menthol Cigarettes. It was introduced in 1933. It was originally produced for “sophisticated man”. At the very beginning, these were unfiltered cigarettes. They were short ones. However, there were later added 85 mm… Continue Reading →

Epique Super Slims Lights Menthol

Epique cigarette is a cigarettes brand manufactured by JT International. Epique is comes from French (“epic”), but for Englishmen it sounds like “peak” (top). No matter how you translate it, there will one common sense preserved “this stuff is really… Continue Reading →

Vogue Super Slims Menthol Cigarettes

Vogue is a brand of cigarettes, which is known for its unique combination of flavor and aroma. Aroma is very tender and sweet due to the added menthol.

Esse Super Slims Menthol Cigarettes

Esse cigarettes brand combines such things as stylishness, extraordinary taste and fashion. If smokers taste this tobacco product for the first time, they will be surprised to feel so many mellow ingredients that relax at once.

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